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04/01/11 01:27 PM #2    


Janet Rogers (Box)

Love that car and didn't know how much I should have appreciated that teacher.  It saddens me to see him hunched forward.  Would love to see him.  I don't think I am going to make the reunion, but I will have to try to look him up on my next trip to T-town.

04/03/11 06:56 AM #3    


Allen Cantrell

Now Girls,

If you have to twist Danny's arm , twist real hard rumor has it he liked it. Just joking looking foward to seeing all of you at the reunion.

Allen Cantrell

05/22/11 08:55 PM #4    

Jill Davis (Starks)

This weekend was very special to me. I hope this makes up for all the times we had that were taken away from us our senior year. I suppose that this class was closer because we really did stay together and became such good friends.

If I did not talk to you much at the reunion I hope you realized I tried. I got home today and realized I may not have talked to everyone, I am sorry. My loss. Thanks for being a big part of my life. I look so forward to the next, just not until I have time to rest first. I am sorry for those who did not make it that had planned on coming. They really missed a great time. My best to you and yours.

Please make comments about our classmates that have gone before us, it will mean`a lot to their families and their friends.

05/24/11 10:58 AM #5    


Allen Cantrell

Just wanted to tell you it was GREAT to see the gang again, I was going to wait till the 80th reunion to see you guy again but I'm afraid the the bigger reunion will be somewhere else. Bless those who have gone on before us to start the plans, that we will join them later to help. Looking foward to the 45th and will try to stay in touch better than I did the last 40. Hope everyone had as much fun as I did. For those who planned all this "Thank You" your tireless work is what made it a weekend to remember for ever

05/26/11 10:16 AM #6    


Lonnie McMillan

Really miss not being there- But had a son graduating from high school! Talked to Steve Walker last night and he said he had a great time. as for the 45th my baby daughter will be graduating that year so hopefully the dates won't clash. Steve and I wound up arguing over Barbara Caskey, he told me that he  had held hands with her one day in the hallway at Dixie Elem and I told him I had had a crush on her when we were at Dixie . I had broken my leg the first week of school of the 3rd grade and was homebound for a couple of months. I got to go to school one day to visit and after I sat down Barbara came over and took my crutches and leaned them against the wall for me, that seemed to me to be more serious than holding hands but Steve didn't agree. :)

06/15/11 08:46 PM #7    


Barbara Caskey

LOL.  Lonnie why didn't I ever know that you and Steve Walker cared so much.  Dixie was a fun place.  I have a lot of good memories.  Tony Sulser brought some group pictures from Dixie and that was fun looking at them and sharing.  Hope to see you at the 45th. 

06/29/11 05:16 PM #8    


Cindy Grimes (Connally) (Jt 1970)

Lonnie, thanks for calling the other night. I had a blast talking to you. SOOO many funny stories. Maybe you need to write more of them on here and others will do the same like you asked about.  I am still laughing over you and Lynn Brewer sneaking around town! I've shared that story with so many from our class becasue of Lynn. That boy can sing! He got going at our 1970 reunion and really shocked us. So did Mickey Gray. From what I heard ya'll had a good time. Wish I had known Carole Odom was going to crash it and I would have joined her! Maybe we need to have one with 2-3 years together.

I'm still looking for your friend and as soon as I get a phone number I'll call you back. Isn't it nice we have understanding spouses! lol

07/14/11 07:32 PM #9    


Ivy Darden (Rice Tidmore)

To all my praying classmates:

My husband, Richard, has metastatic lung cancer and has been taking part in a clinical trial chemotherapy in Dallas at Mary Crawley Cancer Research Center since 5/31/11.  We found out Tuesday that there has been no positive response to the chemo.  The tumors are still growing and have increased everywhere by 18% since April 7, which was the date of the first cat scan that showed any sign of cancer since his first round of chemo in spring 2009.  We are back to square one, looking at options.  He has appt with local oncologist on Monday to try and get some input on what to do now. Please pray that God will have his perfect will in our lives and that our request for healing will be granted.  We will appreciate all heavenly communication on his behalf.

Ivy Darden Rice

07/28/11 12:11 AM #10    


Chris Cook


Don't know if you remember me (Chris Cook).  My wife an I believe in prayer and will begin to pray ourselves and remember you in our homechurch prayer time.  We live in Bryan/College Station (Texas A&M).  So sorry to hear about your husband.  Let's pray for each other?  Our granddaughter Clara has a disease that really messes up the Immune System and in her case skin and joint areas.  She has been through two months of chemo mix and beginning to respond.

Anyway we will be lifting up your whole family before the Lord.

God Bless

Chris & Vickie Cook

07/28/11 12:19 AM #11    


Chris Cook


Do you remember my brother Ronnie Cook and his wife Lois Hullet?  I believe they were in your class.  We are coming to Tyler for a few days while on vacation.  Girls to bed and breakfast and guys will try not to shoot one another or blow up the garage!


Chris Cook

08/21/11 07:09 PM #12    


Cindy Grimes (Connally) (Jt 1970)

Of course I remember Chris and remember when the little one arrived. What a suprise for all of us. We help to pray Lois through her cancer also! Sorry I am just now reading this or I would have responded earlier. Ya'll don't chat as much as we do on 70. We're close to 3,000 posts! HOT AIR! We also have a section for prayer requests and cleebrations ya'll might add. Lots of people read that and reply.
Back to Ronnie. I used to see him from time to time when he'd be at grocery stores working and we'd talk forever. I was also at Jeff Ackerman's funeral. Lots of good memories of Lois and Ronnie. Seems like ya'll lived on a hill close to Greenbriar Road.  Sandy and Leigh Wilkerson lived at the bottom, I think. When I got my new Mustang I'd go to the top of the hill and floor it and watch the rubber burn. I was too dumb to know that ruined the tires. I also sat in Hardey's all one afternoon with the airconditioner running so the car full of girls makeup wouldn't run from 'glowing" The block broke and Daddy was not too happy but we stayed cool as we waved each car through Hardy's!

Thanks for saying hello!

Ivy, what is the update on your husband? I'll copy and paste for the '70 class to pray also. Love you guys!

08/29/11 08:33 PM #13    

Jill Davis (Starks)

The Tyler Paper has a magazine IN, it came out in the Sunday paper, Aug. 28,2011. It has pictures of some of our class mates from our reunion.

08/30/11 12:58 AM #14    


Ivy Darden (Rice Tidmore)

Cindy, Thanks for asking about Richard.  He had to have two blood transfusions in July, but now he is on bi-weekly Procrit shots to help build his blood.  He is taking Tarceva, an oral drug to hopefully slow the progression of his tumors.  He is tired all the time, has little appetite and has lost about 40 pounds. He is in good spirits most of the time, though.  He is concerned about his mother right now. She is in hospice care in a local nursing home and they called us today and said they believe she just has a few more days to be with us. Bless her heart. But... she has been under hospice care since last November and the never thought she would make it to Thanksgiving.  We all know God is in control.  He gives us one day at a time and we just have to trust Him.  Romans 8:28 is my favorite verse...

Chris, Thank you for remembering me...I will certainly pray for you granddaughter. Thanks for praying for Richard.

10/02/11 09:50 PM #15    


Ivy Darden (Rice Tidmore)

Richard went home to be with the Lord at 8:45 p.m. on October 1, 2011.  God was merciful by only letting him have one excruciatingly painful week. We will miss him terribly but look forward to the day we will be reunited in the presence of our Lord. Thank you for all your prayers during his illness.


04/15/12 06:00 PM #16    


Barbara Stanley (Beall)

Thought I would post this for those of you who remember Billy Spier. He ended up quitting school, so did not graduate. He has had numerous stokes and is in Briarcliff Nursing home. He recentley lost his left leg just above his knee. would love for any of you who can to come visit him.

My sisters and I happened to find him when our mom was put in the nursing home for some rehab after back surgery. Mom is home now, but I still check on Billy. He goes by Bill now so if you go in and ask for him ask for Bill. He is in room 8, but is usually out in the hallway somewhere.



01/21/13 02:05 PM #17    

Jill Davis (Starks)

Belinda Kelley Kromer and Jill Davis Starks will be planning a 60th birthday party for our class.  Please send us emails with any ideas.  Information about this will follow later.


02/06/13 07:04 PM #18    

Betty Beard (Hubbard)

Jill I just read your note about a birthday party. Sounds great. Let me know if I can do anything to help. I can't wait to see everyone again. 60 where did the time go! !!

02/06/13 10:11 PM #19    

Debbie Gay (Hemmelgarn)

Jill just heard about the 60th birthday party reunion as well. Betty had written me a note and mentioned it and I had no idea thus further investigation had to take place !  Lol. Sounds like fun. My email is 

Hope you're doing well. 



06/06/13 10:04 PM #20    

Jill Davis (Starks)

Well Happy 60th  Birthday to the Class of 1971!!!!


Next Saturday night will be a great night.  I can't wait until then.  After the reunion, we decided we need to keep in touch.  We renewed friendships that we need to cherish.  We had a unique class and situation that year.  We all stayed strong and bonded those 3 years.

Thanks Belinda for organizing this event.  She is such a good friend.  We have formed new friendships planning these events.  Thanks to all those who come.  I realize sometimes it is hard to put it into our busy schedules.  We planned this, this weekend so that those graduating and other events would allow some to be able to attend.  GO BIG BAD JOHN!!!   


John Tyler Class of 1971

06/19/13 11:23 PM #21    


Randy Phillips


I don't know everyone that had a part in planning our birthday party, so I say THANK YOU to all that did. IT WAS AWESOME !!! But I do know two ladies that had a very big part, and to you two I give a standing ovation and I leave you in my will, my two favorite Syncronized Swim Suits. Belinda and Jill,You Are CREAM OF THE CROP!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU !

Much Love,


03/24/14 07:10 PM #22    


Ivy Darden (Rice Tidmore)

Tina,  what happened to all the photos of the 40th class reunion? Wasn't there a link to you-tube slide show or something?


02/17/15 10:01 AM #23    

Jill Davis (Starks)

It Looks Like We Have 5 Days Until Our 45The Reunion. I Can't Wait. SeE You Soon!!!

08/27/18 09:52 AM #24    


Cindy Grimes (Connally) (Jt 1970)

I’m not sure if y’all use your message board but I’ll post for those that might read this. 

JTHS Friends, not long ago I saw our teacher, Harrol Mason, getting into his car he drove when I was in school 48 years ago. Recently he moved into Rosewood Estates Assisted Living. His students were his family! From what I’ve been told he has no living relatives left. 
Wouldn’t it be great to let him know you remember him, or share a memory of your school days with him. His birthday is 12-3-1929. When you address your holiday cards, send him one also. 
He was only in his 30’s when we had him. He’s doing well and is up and about mingling with other residents.  It would be fine if 1-2 of you stopped by for a brief visit.  One of the meal times might be best. Call ahead of time to confirm with the staff that it’s a good day to come. The office number is 903-508-9010. 
Be sure and introduce yourself to him since we have all changed over the years. I also learned he played the organ on special occasions for First Presbyterian Church. He loved baseball and attended most of our baseball games. I didn’t have him for a teacher but I can share memories for other teachers he would remember. 
Let’s let this teacher that’s now alone in life that his ‘school kids’ appreciate what our teachers did for us! PROUD IS OUR PRIDE! Cindy Connally Grimes JTHS70
Harrel Mason
Rosewood Estates
506 Rice Road Apt. 131
Tyler, TX 75703

04/24/24 04:36 PM #25    

James Smith

71 for class of 71 is a grand idea. Any opportunity to be w/ my favorite people is great!  Any time anyplace  I am all in!!   - James Smith-

10/31/24 08:18 AM #26    


Cindy Grimes (Connally) (Jt 1970)


Our love and prayers to Kerry, Judy and Edwin's family. I don't remember a time in my life the Perrymans weren't  a huge part of my life. Mrs. Perryman was one of my Bluebird and Campfire leaders. From Ramey, Boulter and JT, to summers at Camp Tyler, slumber parties, Drill Team and comparing pregnancies, Kerry has always been the best of the best. I love this whole family. 
Mike knew Edwin from working at Price International and Edwin bringing in his bucket trucks. Mike said he was one of the kindest men he knew. He didn't just talk the talk, but it was obvious how fine a Christian man Edwin was. It was obvious he loved his family and Jesus. What a wonderful legend! 

Edwin Perryman Obituary

Edwin Elmer Perryman passed away on the 30 th of October in Tyler, Texas. He was born on August 3rd, 1953, in Tyler, Texas, the son of Elmer Lee Perryman and Reba (Messer) Perryman.

Edwin graduated from John Tyler Highschool, Class of 1971. Shortly after graduating, he began working at Southwestern Bell/AT&T, retiring after more than 36 years.

Edwin is survived by his wife Sheryl and eight of their nine children: Paul Perryman, Robert Perryman and wife Jessie, Joy Lawson and husband Richard, James Perryman and wife Marianna, Laura Perryman, Daniel Perryman, Katie Perryman, and Mary Perryman. He is also survived by eight grandchildren as well as his sisters, Judy Nick and husband Jerry, and Kerry Crews and husband Ray. He is preceded in death by his parents as well as son Justin Lee Perryman.

A lifelong resident of Tyler, Edwin loved his family and enjoyed spending time in the great outdoors, bird hunting, and gardening. He loved Jesus and enjoyed serving in his church.

A memorial service will be held on November 2nd at Hill Creek Baptist Church in Whitehouse, Texas at 1:00 p.m.

Arrangements are under the direction of Cottle Funeral Home, Troup.

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